Personality Competence and Pedagogical Competence of Pre-service English Teachers in Teaching Secondary Level Students



pre-service English teachers, personality competence, pedagogical competence


Since teachers' competencies have significant impacts on their teaching performance, Pre-service English Teachers (PETs) must hone teachers' competencies starting when they are student teachers, especially in teaching practice programs. Personality and pedagogical competence are two competencies that future educators have to develop in addition to social and professional competence. However, there are still few researchers who focus on these two competencies specifically for PETs. This study’s purpose is to look into the personality and pedagogical competence of PETs during their internship program at junior high and high schools. To garner the data, the researchers employed quantitative descriptive research with a survey technique. The data were analyzed quantitatively using SPSS version 26 for Windows. The findings find PETs earned mean scores of 89.57 for personality competence and 86.24 for pedagogical competence. It indicates that, in accordance with Ministry of National Education Regulation Number 16 of 2007, the PETs involved in this study met the requirements to become qualified teachers. They are highly competent in moral behavior and can serve as role models for their students in terms of personality competency, but they lack interest in being a teacher and have difficulties in being responsible and self-assured educators. Meanwhile, for their pedagogical competence, they are highly receptive to ideas and feedback to enhance learning, but they struggle to comprehend students and keep the classroom atmosphere conducive.


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Author Biography

Zuliati Rohmah, Universitas Brawijaya

Zuliati Rohmah is a Professor of English Language Studies at the Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya. Her research interests are language policy, linguistic landscape, materials development, TPD, and multimodal literacy.


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How to Cite

Ilma, A. and Rohmah, Z. (2023) “Personality Competence and Pedagogical Competence of Pre-service English Teachers in Teaching Secondary Level Students”, IJET (Indonesian Journal of English Teaching), 12(2), pp. 118–131. Available at: (Accessed: 2 May 2024).


