Students’ Mathematical Literacy in Solving PISA Problem Using Indonesian Cultural Context


  • Ratri Murdy Andari Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Rini Setianingsih Universitas Negeri Surabaya



Mathematical Literacy, PISA Problem, Indonesian Cultural Context


This study aims to examine students’ mathematical literacy in solving PISA problems using the Indonesian cultural context. This is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. As the subject of this study are three 9th grade students with high, average, and low mathematical abilities. In collecting the data, the researchers used three instruments, namely, mathematical ability test, mathematical literacy test, and interview guidelines. The results reveal that student with high mathematical ability meets all indicators in the process of formulating, employing, and interpreting. Otherwise, students with average or low mathematical abilities only meet some indicators in the process of mathematical literacy. Therefore, it is suggested for the teacher to provide practice especially for students having average or low mathematical abilities with literacy problems using contexts that exist in students’ life, such as the Indonesian cultural context


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How to Cite

Andari, R. M., & Setianingsih, R. (2021). Students’ Mathematical Literacy in Solving PISA Problem Using Indonesian Cultural Context. JRPM (Jurnal Review Pembelajaran Matematika), 6(1), 52–67.


