Gender Inequality and Stereotype: Social Construction of Madurese Society


  • Mukhammad Nizar Zulmi UINSA
  • Rizki Aulia Fazrina UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Rohmatul Ummah UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya



Gender Inequality, Stereotype, social construction, madurese society


Every tribe in Indonesia has different characteristics. Like the Javanese, Sundanese, and Madurese, there must be significant differences. This builds various kinds of perceptions from one society to another. This perception is what is meant by stereotype. Actually, stereotypes have 2 perspectives, namely positive perceptions and also negative perceptions. So, this is not justified if there are certain individuals or groups referring to the word perception only on the negative side. However, it is often found that an individual or a group only builds a negative stereotype. An individual and the group does not care that positive stereotypes exist. Regarding stereotypes, this also occurs in Madurese society. One of them is stereotypes on the gender of the Madurese community. Gender is assumed as a differentiator between men and women based on social and cultural constructions. However, the term gender is still the biggest problem in social construction. In Madura, gender inequality is a problem that often occurs. This is because in Madura there is a patriarchal culture in which women are placed second in several aspects. Gender inequality can be influenced by several things, one of which is the stereotype. This usually happens to women both physically and mentally. This research aims to investigate how stereotypes of gender inequality are built through the social construction of Madurese society.



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How to Cite

Zulmi, M. N., Fazrina, R. A., & Ummah, R. (2023). Gender Inequality and Stereotype: Social Construction of Madurese Society. Social Studies in Education, 1(1), 41–56.


