The Changing Roles of Women in Java: From Housewife Roles to Family Woman


  • Ozza Candra Firyanti UIN SUNAN AMPEL SURABAYA
  • Muhammad Alvis Pradana UIN SUNAN AMPEL SURABAYA
  • Yulia Eny Nurni'amah UIN SUNAN AMPEL SURABAYA
  • Septian Heru Kurniawan UIN SUNAN AMPEL SURABAYA



roles of women, Housewife, family woman, patriarchy, changing roles


Javanese society shared the same views as other societies on the significant role of women. The ideal woman in Javanese culture is one that embodies kindness, dignity, and politeness. Being a wife is one of the women's roles. In the Javanese social perspective, a wife must obey her husband. The patrilineal flow that the Javanese value undoubtedly had an impact on this circumstance as well. The role of women in modern times has undergone many changes. In this day and age, women's involvement in work is essential, there is almost no difference, both have the right, status, role, and opportunity to develop and contribute to the structure of modern society. This journal aims to explore the change of role of housewife in java to family woman. The review of journal showed that there are many changes that impacted the role of housewife to family woman including National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) which has one of the goals is gender equality and justice, there are still a sequence of trouble and challenge faced correlated to enlargement indicators connected to gender equality and women empowerment such as education, health, politics, economy that have a broad scale of influence and high level of consequence for the realization of gender equality and women's empowerment.


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How to Cite

Firyanti, O. C., Muhammad Alvis Pradana, Yulia Eny Nurni’amah, & Septian Heru Kurniawan. (2023). The Changing Roles of Women in Java: From Housewife Roles to Family Woman. Social Studies in Education, 1(1), 57–66.


