Improving Student Learning Outcomes Characteristics of Living Things Through Cooperative Learning Models Think Pair Share Type With Assisted Videos in Class III MINU Ngingas Waru


  • Afida Muthomimah MI El Rahmah Plus Qiraati Surabaya



Learning Outcomes; Cooperative Learning Models; Think Pair Share; Video Media


This research is motivated by the low learning outcomes of science students in class III C MINU Ngingas Waru on material characteristics of living things. The learning model used by teachers in the classroom is less innovative and the lack of use of learning media during learning. Student learning outcomes are less than the maximum ie only 43.2% of students who can achieve KKM. Based on this, the researcher took corrective action in learning by using the cooperative learning model think pair share type and using the help of learning media. This study aims to determine: 1) The application of think pair share type cooperative learning models with video aids and 2) Increase student learning outcomes in material features of living things. This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) using a research model of Kurt Lewin consisting of 2 cycles, where the action of each cycle starts from planning (planning), action (action), observation (observation) and reflection (reflection). The subjects of this study were students of class III C MINU Ngingas Waru with a total of 37 students consisting of 15 male students and 22 female students. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, written tests, and documentation. The results showed that: (1) The application of the think pair share type cooperative learning model with video assistance went well as evidenced by the results of observations of teacher activity data in the first cycle of 81.57 (high), and increased in the second cycle of 94.31 (very high). The results of observations of student activity in the first cycle amounted to 91.67 (very high) and increased in the second cycle of 95. (2) The improvement in learning outcomes occurred after the cooperative learning model of the type of think pair share was applied with video aids as evidenced by student learning outcomes in pre cycles get an average of 68.16 with a percentage of completeness of 43.2% (very less). Cycle I get an average of 79.86 with a percentage of completeness 64.8% (less). Cycle II get an average of 87.70 with a percentage of completeness 89.1% (good). There is a good increase in each cycle with the cooperative learning model think pair share type with video aids.


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How to Cite

Muthomimah, A. (2020). Improving Student Learning Outcomes Characteristics of Living Things Through Cooperative Learning Models Think Pair Share Type With Assisted Videos in Class III MINU Ngingas Waru. Indonesian Journal of Science Learning (IJSL), 1(1), 19–25.


