Penerapan Model Pakem Untuk Meningkatkan Keaktifan Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran Tematik Kelas V SDN kesilir 03 Kecamatan Wuluhan Jember


  • Dimas Septian UIN KHAS JEMBER



Pakem Model, Learning Activity, Thematic


This study aims to determine the increase in the activeness of class V students at SDN Kesilir 03 Wuluhan, Jember Regency. In research using purposive sampling area technique. While the type and design of this research is research using classroom action research or (PTK). This research method uses a qualitative approach where this research focuses on processes and results that are highlighted in qualitative research. This theoretical foundation is used as a guide so that researchers focus more on data according to what is in the field. This study uses two cycles that will be used to determine the increase in student activity in thematic learning for class V. In research, the teacher's efforts are needed to assist students in improving learning so that it is in line with the school's vision and mission which wants to improve all existing learning at school. The research results obtained were maximized, that is, from the data obtained, it produced a large influence between the activities of the teacher and students who obtained value from the learning that was carried out. This study uses two cycles which carry out actions such as planning actions, implementing actions, observing, interviewing, reflecting which are very useful for determining the results of the research to be studied. The PAKEM model really needs to be done by the teacher because the PAKEM model is a fun, active, creative and effective learning model that is carried out to develop students' skills, attitudes and understanding and includes the use of the school environment so that learning is more interesting, effective and fun. The PAKEM learning model is in accordance with the learning in class V SDN 03 Kesilir. In applying the PAKEM learning model approach, the percentage increase in student learning outcomes that experience completeness has increased very well. This shows that the indicators of the success of this action research have been achieved.



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How to Cite

Septian, D. (2023). Penerapan Model Pakem Untuk Meningkatkan Keaktifan Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran Tematik Kelas V SDN kesilir 03 Kecamatan Wuluhan Jember. Indonesian Journal of Science Learning (IJSL), 3(1).


