Application of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Learning Model in Improving Student Learning Outcomes in Natural Sciences Subjects of Material Changes in Objects in Class II MI Al-Islah Sidoarjo


  • Garinda Sukma MI Nurul Huda Surabaya



Learning Outcomes; Changes in Objects; Learning Models; Problem Based Learning


Background of this study is the low learning outcomes of science subjects class II MI Al-Islah Sidoarjo. The contributing factors are that learning is still conventional, learning is not student-centered, and students lack understanding of the concept, the teacher has not linked the material to real-life every day and is less innovative in the selection of learning models. This can be solved by applying the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model in natural science subject matter to change the shape of objects, so students are able to develop critical thinking and be able to solve problems. The purpose of this study are 1) To determine the application of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model in improving student learning outcomes in Natural Sciences subject matter of material changes in class II MI Al-Islah Sidoarjo; 2) To find out the increase in student learning outcomes in natural science subject matter after changing the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model to class II MI Al-Islah Sidoarjo students. This research method is a classroom action research model of Kemmis and Taggart which consists of two cycles with four stages. This research was conducted at MI Al-Islah Sidoarjo in class II with 25 students consisting of 14 male students and 11 female students. Data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation, documentation, and tests. The results showed that 1) The application of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model of material changes can improve teacher activity and student activity. Teacher activity in the first cycle was 73% (enough category) in the second cycle increased to 91% (very good category). Student activity in the first cycle by 75% (enough category) in the second cycle increased to 94% (very good category). 2) Improved learning outcomes that score above KKM (80) with a percentage

Pre-cycle 8%, first cycle 56% and second cycle 80%.


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How to Cite

Sukma, G. (2020). Application of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Learning Model in Improving Student Learning Outcomes in Natural Sciences Subjects of Material Changes in Objects in Class II MI Al-Islah Sidoarjo. Indonesian Journal of Science Learning (IJSL), 1(1), 26–31.


