Persepsi Mahasiswa Pendidikan IPA Terhadap Penggunaan E-Learning Berbasis Google Meeting


  • Akhla Lailatus Sa'adah UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Aisyah Abiidatul Chaaniyah
  • Muhammad Yuda Irjiananto
  • Rania Dzatarohmah Ananda
  • Ita Ainun Jariyah



Perception, Covid 19, Google Meeting, Science education


This research aims to know the perception of students of Science Education at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya on the use of e-learning based on Google Meet. This type of research is descriptive qualitative where data collection is carried out using a Likert scale in the form of a questionnaire made in a google form and distributed to students of the UINSA Science Education study program. The method of data analysis is done by qualitative analysis, including 1) data collection; 2) data reduction; 3) data presentation. The results of the data that have been obtained through Google Forms are in the form of a questionnaire on the perception of UINSA Science Education students on the use of e-learning based on Google Meet, that is 78 respondents. Student perceptions of the google meeting application in online learning get a positive response of 79.65% overall with 85.89% on the aspect of convenience, 81,28% on the aspect of effectiveness, and 71,79% on the aspect of acceptance.  This shows that students of the science education study program at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya have a positive perception of the use of google meetings in online learning, namely in terms of ease, effectiveness, and acceptance


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How to Cite

Sa’adah, A. L., Chaaniyah, A. A. ., Irjiananto, M. Y., Ananda, R. D. ., & Jariyah, I. A. (2022). Persepsi Mahasiswa Pendidikan IPA Terhadap Penggunaan E-Learning Berbasis Google Meeting. Indonesian Journal of Science Learning (IJSL), 3(1), 11–21.


